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作者(英文):Lin, Han-Yu
論文名稱(英文):Convertible Authenticated Encryption Schemes with Proxy Delegation
指導教授(英文):Huang, Shih-Kun
Wu, Tzong-Sun
Yeh, Yi-Shiung
外文關鍵詞:convertibleauthenticated encryptionproxy delegationconfidentialitypublic key system
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與之前的文獻相比,所提的方法不僅有較低的計算成本,同時亦提供較佳的功能性。此外,在抵抗調整式選擇密文攻擊的機密性安全需求與抵抗調整式選擇訊息攻擊的不可偽造性安全需求,也在random oracle模型下證明。
In modern daily life, digital signatures and public key encryptions are two commonly applied mechanisms for protecting the security of on-line transactions. The former ensures authenticity and non-repudiation while the latter guarantees confidentiality.
To simultaneously provide cryptographic schemes with confidentiality and authenticity, an authenticated encryption (AE) scheme is a better alternative for promoting efficiency and reducing communication overheads as compared to the straightforward sign-then-encrypt method. Such schemes allow a signer to produce an authenticated ciphertext, such that only a designated recipient has the ability to decrypt the ciphertext and verify its corresponding signature. Convertible authenticated encryption (CAE) schemes not only inherit the characteristic mentioned above, but also provide additional signature conversion mechanism to convince anyone of signer’s dishonesty when a later dispute occurs.
Proxy signature schemes allow an authorized person called proxy signer to generate proxy signatures on behalf of an original signer according to the predefined signing policy. In this dissertation, the author proposes three CAE schemes with proxy delegation based on different cryptographic assumptions, i.e., RSA, CDHP, BDHP, respectively. The proposed schemes allow a proxy signer to generate a valid authenticated ciphertext on behalf of an original signer and only the intended recipient is capable of decrypting it and verifying the corresponding proxy signature. The signature conversion is rather simple and can be solely done by the designated recipient with neither extra computation costs nor communication overheads, since the converted proxy signature will be derived during the message recovery and signature verification phase. We also present a group-oriented variant which enables an original group consisting of n signers to delegate their signing power to a proxy signer such that the latter can generate an authenticated ciphertext on behalf of the former. For facilitating the encryption of a large message, the author further introduces the other variant with message linkages by dividing a large message into many small message blocks.
As compared with previous works, the proposed schemes not only have lower computation costs, but also provide better functionalities. Additionally, the security requirement of confidentiality against indistinguishability under adaptive chosen-ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA2) and that of unforgeability against existential forgery under adaptive chosen-message attacks (EF-CMA) are proved in the random oracle model.
摘要 iii
Acknowledgements vii
Contents viii
List of Tables x
List of Figures xi
1 Introduction 1
  1.1 Motivation 1
  1.2 Related Works 1
  1.3 Our Contributions 5
  1.4 Organization of Dissertation 7
2 Preliminaries 8
  2.1 Security Notions 9
  2.2 Designated Verifier Signature Scheme 12
  2.3 Convertible Authenticated Encryption (CAE) Scheme 17
  2.4 Proxy Signcryption Scheme 20
3 Formal Model of the PCAE Scheme 26
  3.1 Involved Parties 26
  3.2 Algorithms 26
  3.3 Security Models 27
4 Proposed PCAE-(I) Scheme 31
  4.1 Construction 31
  4.2 Correctness 33
  4.3 Security Proofs 34
5 Proposed PCAE-(II) Scheme 44
  5.1 Construction 44
  5.2 Correctness 46
  5.3 Security Proofs 47
  5.4 Group-Oriented Variant 61
  5.5 Variant with Message Linkages 65
6 Proposed PCAE-(III) Scheme 67
  6.1 Construction 67
  6.2 Correctness 69
  6.3 Security Proofs 70
7 Conclusions and Future Research 82
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