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論文名稱(英文):Automatic Logic Evaluation for Random Testing
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軟體測試所需成本高達總成本的 50%,因此成為軟體發展(Software Development)過程中的主要瓶頸。現今發展軟體系統的趨勢,趨向於藉由輔助工具(Auxiliary Tool)來降低軟體測試(Software Testing)所需的資源,但現有測試系統大多需要使用者自行設定測試環境(Testing Driver),測試的效能也隨之影響,主要原因是測試分析工具無法有系統地自動產生測試資料,以證明相關輸入資料可到達特定的執行環境(Program State),這卻是我們用來印證測試效率及品質最直接的方法。本論文中,我們將以程式邏輯推論為出發點,有系統地產生測試資料(Testing Inputs)以執行所有可能路徑(Possible Paths)。我們實作了一個自動測試工具,稱為 ALERT,能自動分析程式執行時的邏輯條件(Logic Constraints),以表示執行的語義(Execution Semantics), 藉此可推論剩下可能執行路徑的測試輸入。我們利用 gcov 來分析 ALERT 的測試效率,所自動產生的測試資料可達 90% 的涵蓋率。
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
誌謝 v
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
1. Introduction - 1 -
1.1. Software Testing - 1 -
1.2. Test Strategies - 3 -
1.3. Motivation - 4 -
1.3.1. Feasible Inputs - 4 -
1.4. Objective - 5 -
1.4.1. Logic constraints extraction - 5 -
1.4.2. Runtime predicates resolution - 6 -
1.5. Synopsis - 6 -
2. Related Work - 7 -
2.1. Data Reconstruction for Cause Effect Chains - 7 -
2.2. Model Checking - 8 -
2.3. Techniques of Fault Localizers - 9 -
2.4. Symbolic Evaluation and Concrete Evaluation - 10 -
3. ALERT overview - 11 -
3.1. Instrumentation for Runtime Trace - 19 -
3.2. Generation of Runtime Constraints - 19 -
3.3. Symbolic Evaluation Framework - 20 -
3.4. Automatic Logic Evaluation - 22 -
4. Implementation - 25 -
4.1. Instrumenter - 25 -
4.1.1. Branch Oriented - 26 -
4.1.2. Condition Sensitive - 26 -
4.1.3. Function driven - 26 -
4.2. Symbolic Evaluator - 27 -
4.2.1. Paired Symbols - 27 -
4.2.2. Dependency - 30 -
4.3. Logic Resolver - 30 -
4.3.1. Variable - 30 -
4.3.2. Freezing Expression - 31 -
4.3.3. Domain Range - 31 -
4.4. Implementation Difficulties - 31 -
4.4.1. Generation of User-defined Type Interface - 32 -
4.4.2. State-sensitive Variable Renaming - 32 -
5. Experimental Results - 34 -
5.1. Instrumentation and Generation Overhead - 34 -
5.2. Expand and Explore - 34 -
5.3. Similar Path Discovery - 35 -
6. Conclusion - 37 -
6.1. Future Work - 37 -
6.1.1. Feasible Input Generation - 38 -
6.1.2. Delta Debugging - 38 -
References - 39 -
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