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作者(外文):Yi-Jui Huang
論文名稱(外文):Vaule Strucyure of Costume Aesthetic : analyse with Artistic Production Theory and THe Fashion System
指導教授(外文):Shiau Jenn-BangYE,LI-CHENG
外文關鍵詞:the social production system of fashion costumeartistic production theorypolitical effectsthe fashion systemwritten clothingvalue structure
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今日的服裝已經不只是生活之中功能性講求的必需品,而同時含有美感判斷的價值,這個價值在服裝本身之生產結構面上是從何而來?又內容為何?本文試圖從離開審美問題的角度去進行回答。在採用的資料與理論上,馬克思以至於Walter Benjamin的藝術生產理論可以從唯物的觀點,從整個服裝生產體系中尋找出線索;以Benjamin來說,他認為在機械複製藝術興起以後,藝術的價值由崇拜轉向至展覽,進而接觸大眾,形成政治作用,在歷史之中那些具有革命性的重要作品,往往也是因為具有歷史上被肯定的政治作用而偉大,尤其在Benjamin那裡,生產技術的提昇是一個被關注的要素。從服裝史之中,可以展現出整個服裝生產體系發展的脈絡,我將從歷史中提出當代的服裝生產體系之模型。

另一方面,Roland Barthes的「流行體系」是由書寫服裝闡明作為符號的服裝是如何傳遞其價值內容,並且給予結構性的分析;而書寫服裝作為服裝生產體系的樞紐,在服裝生產體系特殊的上游至下游的特徵傳遞情境下,標示著流行的確立。從兩種理論的相互嵌結,我們可以看到服裝美學的特殊價值結構是如何開展,並且作用在人們日常的生活之中。

In today, costume is not only essential things with function, but also something about value of beauty. How can we get this value from the social production system of fashion costume? And what is the value? In this text , I want to answer the questions without aesthetic appreciation, so I use the artistic production theory of Karl Heinrich Marx and Walter Benjamin to review the social production system of fashion costume and that’s a materialist view. Benjamin believes since the age of mechanical reproduction, art is lost the value of worship and become the value of exhibition, art is closing people now, this phenomenon let the political effects of art are rising. Benjamin also believes that great artworks are getting right political effects in history, so they become great. Production Technology is important idea for Benjamin, and I find the social production system of fashion costume from history of costume, in history that demonstrate about what is the system, and why the system became.

Another way, Roland Barthes’s ‘’The Fashion System’’ is illustrating written clothing as sign of value to pass in the social production system of fashion costume, that is an answer about structure in system of sign. Written clothing is a hub in the social production system of fashion costume. A special phenomenon in the system that feature of fashion costume transfer top-down, and make marks about ‘’what is fashion now’’, if something are fashion, the transfer will be start there. ‘’The Fashion System’’ and artistic production theory are point to explain this phenomenon and finally give a answer about value system of beauty of costume in the public life.

In summary, artistic production theory gives us about idea of the political effects, that's means we can affirm the political effects in the social production system of fashion costume and inside public. The Fashion System is a theory about how to mark the value of costume, that's specific and clearly to expound content of political effects in the social production system of fashion costume and how to work.

Key word: the social production system of fashion costume, artistic production theory, political effects, the fashion system, written clothing, value structure.
第一章 導論 3
前言 3
第一節 研究背景與動機、目的 4
第二節 結構與研究主題 6
第三節 價值與研究內容 9
第四節 文獻探討分析與研究方法 12
第五節 小結 20

第貳章 服裝生產與風格轉變 22
第一節 服裝生產的背景 22
第二節 服裝歷史的風格轉變 24
第三節 另一個面向:去人格性的歷史脈絡 29
第四節 小結 33

第參章 從藝術生產理論到服裝生產體系 35
第一節 藝術生產理論的涵義與背景 35
第二節 精神生產(spiritual production)與社會生產(social production) 40
第三節 現代藝術的生產理論:機械複製技術的影響 43
第四節 服裝書寫與流行體系 52
第五節 小結 57

第肆章 從服裝書寫到價值表述 60
第一節 服裝與媒體 60
第二節 服裝與符號 61
第三節 流行與符號 70
第四節 小結 72
第伍章 價值結構與總結 74
第一節 服裝生產體系的結構 74
第二節 服裝書寫的政治作用 75
第三節 理論的批評 78
第四節 服裝的價值結構:理論的歸結 82
第五節 結論 83

參考文獻 86
原文與外文資料 : 86
中文與譯文專書 : 87
期刊與專文資料: 88
網路資料: 89

原文與外文資料 :

Alison Lurie., 2000, The Language of Clothes . Holt Paperbacks; 1st edition .

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Georg Simmel., 1971, On ndividuality and social forms. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,

Jan Brand 2008., The power of fashion : about design and meaning .Lannoo Publishers

Johnson Pauline.,1984 ,Marxist Aesthetics. Taylor & Francis Ltd,

John A. Walke., 1989 ,design history and the history of design. Pluto Press.

Juliet Sychrava.,1989 ,Schiller to Derrida: Idealism in Aesthetics .Cambridge University Pressa,.

Lars Svendsen., 2006, Fashion:A Philosophy .Reaktion Books

Marilyn J. Horn .,1968.The Second Skin. Boston, Houghton Mifflin

Patrik Aspers., 2010, Orderly Fashion: A Sociology of MarketsPublisher. Princeton University Press .

Roland Barthes,Annette Lavers .,1972, mythologies. Hill and Wang.

Robert Brain.,1970, The Decorated Body. Harpercollins; 1st Ed.

Sut Jhally.,1990, The Codes of Advertising: Fetishism and the Political Economy of Meaning in the Consumer Society Routledge. Reprint edition

Tom Huhn ,Lambert Zuidervaart .,1997 ,The Semblance of Subjectivity: Essays in Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory. MIT Press,.

Tayolr Ronald., 1979 ,Aesthetics and Politics. NLB.

中文與譯文專書 :




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Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

Walter Benjamin, Theory of Knowledge, Theory of Progress電子掃描全文:URL=http://www.rae.com.pt/Benjamin_Methode.pdf


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