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作者(外文):Tseng, Wen-Hsin Karen
論文名稱(外文):Generalized Post-syntactic Movement in Mandarin Chinese
指導教授(外文):Lin, T.-H. Jonah
外文關鍵詞:LoweringLocal DislocationMWdReduplicationA-not-A OP
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  • 評分評分:*****
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在此研究中,我將以音韻部門的移位理論(PF movement),對漢語中動詞與形容詞的重疊現象(reduplication),以及正反問句(A-not-A question)提出一致性的分析。漢語中的重疊現象有各種不同的語音形式。單音節詞語的語音重疊形式為AA,而雙音節詞語的語音重疊形式包含:AAB、ABB、ABAB、以及AABB四種。另一方面,漢語的正反問句有A-not-AB和AB-not-A兩種主要形式。在音韻部門移位的理論框架之下,漢語的重疊現象與正反問句的所有語音形式擁有一致的衍生過程。在動詞中,重疊詞素(reduplication morpheme)的功能為暫時時貌(delimitative aspect),藉由向下的移位與離它最近的句法詞素(morphosyntactic word)做合併,進而產生動詞的重疊形式。此外,在形容詞中,重疊詞素扮演程度詞素(degree morpheme)的功能,同樣藉由向下的移位與離它最近的句法詞素做合併,衍生出形容詞的重疊形式。然而,正反問句的衍生比重疊形式更為複雜。我認為在正反問句的衍生過程中經歷了兩階段的移位。首先,A-not-A 運符向下移位與離它最近的句法詞素做合併。第二階段,A-not-A 運符將決定複製的範圍,以衍生出各種不同的語音形式。本論文的貢獻如下:第一、我證明了在漢語中音韻部門的移位現象非常豐富。第二、我為句法-詞法界面做了更多元的詮釋。在此論文中,我顯示了句法-詞法界面具有豐富的語言現象,值得日後更深入的探討與研究。
In this work, I provide a unified analysis for verbal and adjectival reduplication and the formation of A-not-A questions in Mandarin Chinese, based on the framework of post-syntactic movement. Reduplication has various manifestation in Mandarin Chinese. Monosyllabic words are reduplicated as AA, whereas disyllabic words are reduplicated as AAB, ABB, ABAB or AABB. The A-not-A question has two main subtypes, A-not-AB and AB-not-A. This paper provides a unified way to deal with the different sub-constructions of Mandarin reduplication and A-not-A questions. The claim of this work is that the delimitative aspect undergoes post-syntactic lowering targeting the closest MWd of the sentence to yiled verbal reduplication. Adjectival reduplication has a similar derivation. The reduplication morpheme origining in the head of DegreeP targets the closest MWd to derive adjectival reduplication. Different phonological realizations of Mandarin reduplication indicate that post-syntactic operations can provide a probe into the internal structures of its target. The formation of the A-not-A questions is more complicated. The A-not-A questions are built through two steps of M-mergers: Lowering and Local Dislocation. The A-not-A OP targets the closest MWd by Lowering. Afterward, Local Dislocation is applied to determine the reduplication domain. The contribution of this work is as follows. First, it shows that post-syntactic operations and M-mergers are productive in Mandarin Chinese. Second, it contributes to the study of syntax-morphology interface, and shows that it is a rich area to pursue, as Mandarin Chinese could offer very interesting evidence for some of its operations.
Chapter 1 Introduction 4
Chapter 2 Post-syntactic movement 9
2.1 M-merge: Movement in PF 9
2.1.1 Lowering 9
2.1.2 Local Dislocation 12
2.1.3 Morphosyntactic words: MWd & SWd 14
2.2 Application of Lowering in Mandarin Chinese 15
2.2.1 Structural Sensitivity of Mandarin Reduplication 19
2.2.2 The Derivation of A-not-A Questions: Local or Non-local? 27
2.3 Local Dislocation in Mandarin Chinese 30
2.4 A-not-AB & AB-not-A Forms of A-not-A Questions 32
2.4 Summary 34
Chapter 3 Reduplication in Mandarin Chinese 35
3.1 Verbal Reduplication 35
3.1.1 Delimitative Aspect 35
3.1.2 Variations of Verbal Reduplication 39
3.1.3 Semantics of Verbal Reduplication 47
3.2 Derivation of Verbal Reduplication 49
3.3 Reduplication of Mono-syllabic Verbs 51
3.4 Reduplication of Di-syllabic Verbs 53
3.4.1 Reduplication of V-O Compounds 54
3.4.2 Reduplication of Parallel & M-H Compounds 59
3.4.3 Reduplication of S-P Compounds 64
3.4.4 Reduplication of Resultative Compounds 68
3.5 Summary 70
3.6 Adjectival Reduplication 72
3.6.1 Generalization of Adjectival Reduplication 72
3.6.2 Phonological Realizations of Adjectival Reduplication 75
3.7 Adjectival Reduplication and the Degree Morpheme 80
3.7.1 Restrictions of Adjectival Reduplication 83
3.7.2 De is Obligatory in Adjectival Reduplication 89
3.7.3 Variation of Adjectival Reduplication: AABB and ABAB 92
3.8 Summary 93
Chapter 4 A-not-A Questions 95
4.1 Previous Analysis of A-not-A Questions 100
4.1.1 Huang (1991) 100
4.1.2 Guo (1992) 102
4.1.3 Ernst (1994) 103
4.1.4 Gasde (2004) 106
4.1.5 R.-H. Huang (2008) 109
4.2 The Operations of A-not-A Questions 112
4.2.1 Application of the A-not-A Operator on VP, AP, and PP 113
4.2.2 Application of the A-not-A Operator to Adverb-like Elements 123
4.2.3 Application of the A-not-A Operator on Aspects 126
4.2.4 Application of the A-not-A Operator on Nominals 131
4.3 Deriving A-not-A Questions by Local Dislocation 134
4.3.1 The Derivation of the A-not-AB Questions 135
4.3.2 The Derivation of the AB-not-A Questions 137
4.4 Summary 140
Chapter 5 Conclusion 141
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