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作者(外文):Lin, Wing-Pang
論文名稱(外文):Human Object Walking Motion Parameters Capturing
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chung-Lin
外文關鍵詞:walking parameterparticle filtercorrelation
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  • 評分評分:*****
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人體運動參數的偵測由於它廣泛的應用面,最近幾年在影像處理方面被密切重視。而這些人體運動參數偵測的研究通常會遇到兩個問題,第一個問題是人體運動參數的高維度,第二個問題是當遮蔽發生而導致資訊減少時的運動參數偵測。為了解決這兩個問題,我們在這裡提出一個基於影像處理的方法,這個方法是結合一個從Particle Filter改良而來的Annealed Particle Filter (APF)[6]以及一個事先訓練好的correlation map和temporal constraint 去做人體走路參數的偵測。
在本篇論文中,我們會做各種不同拍攝角度的走路參數偵測,首先我們會使用OpenGL建構出3D模型,然後將人體模型分成10個部分,並由12維度的走路參數來表示各種的走路姿態,我們會分別使用形狀和顏色的資訊來作為我們做走路參數偵測的依據,接下來我們會將APF結合correlation map和temporal constraint做各個走路參數的偵測,接著就將我們偵測到的結果使用OpenGL繪製出來
並且,我們提供了一個有效的人體運動參數偵測可運行於室內以及戶外的環境下。戶外環境相較於室內環境最大的問題就是影子所造成的干擾,所以我們會在將影像轉換成在HSV的維度下,然後對影子做處理。由於我們加入了correlation map和temporal constraint的觀念,所以相較於傳統的APF[6]我們可以大幅的縮短運算時間,並且有效的增加運動參數估測的準確度。另一方面,當身體各個部分發生互相遮蔽的時候,相較於傳統的APF,使用我們的方法,在實驗結果上也可以發現明顯的改善。
Markerless human body part tracking and pose estimation have recently attracted intensive attention because of their wide applications. The vision-based approaches to solve the problems of motion parameters capturing always meet two challenges. 1) how to solve the parameter estimation problem in high-dimensional space, and 2) how to deal with the missing observation information due to occlusion. To solve the two problems, we proposed a vision-based method combining the Annealed Particle Filter (APF) [6] with a pre-trained correlation map and temporal constraint.
This paper proposes a system for capturing motion parameters of walking human object in indoors and outdoors. To solve the problem with shadow when we track the walking people in outdoors, we use the HSV model to remove the shadow. Compare to the traditional APF [6], our method needs less operation time and has more accurate result. Because of the pre-trained correlation map and temporal constraint, our method also has better performance than the tradition APF when self-occlusion occurs.
Chapter 1 Itroduction……………………………………1
1.1 Motivation………………………………………1
1.2 Related Works..…………………………………2
1.3 System Overview…………………………………5
Chapter 2 3-D Human Model…………………………………7
2.1 Model Constraint…………………………………9
2.2 The Ratio of limbs……………………………11
Chapter 3 Annealed Particle Filter………………………13
3.1 Particle Filter……………………………………13
3.2 Annealed Particle Filter…………………………16
3.3 Compare Annealed Particle Filter with Particle Filter……………………………19
Chapter 4 Walking Motion Parameters Capturing…………23
4.1 Foreground Segmentation……………………………24
4.1.1 Simple Background Subtraction………………25
4.1.2 Foreground Size Filter…………………………27
4.1.3 Shadow Removed in HSV Domain…………………28
4.2 Color Histogram Information………………………29
4.3 The Weighting Function by Observation…………30
4.4 The Joint Angle Spatial Correlation……………31
4.5 The Temporal Constraint for the Same Body Part…35
Chapter 5 Experimental Results……………………………38
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work……………………52
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